ML Digest: Bias-Variance Trade-Off
If your model overfits, it has a high variance. The model picks up the noise in the underlying training dataset and does not generalize to the unseen test dataset.
- Training error is much lower than testing error
- Training error is lower than the expected error
- Add more training data
- Use simpler models
- Use bagging
If your model underfits, it has a high bias. (e.g. using a very simple linear model for complex data). The model does not capture the patterns in the underlying training dataset.
- Training error is higher than expected (often testing error is high as well)
- Use more complex models
- Use more features
- Use boosting
Bias-Variance Tradeoff
Know that bias-variance is a tradeoff, meaning you need to strike a good balance between them in order to reduce the overall error of your model.
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